DUI Classes

Consult DUI Lawyer here.

If only need DUI Alcohol Program Classes for San Diego, do NOT click on your Phone symbol as that is DUI Attorney Rick Mueller’s (858) 812-3126.  See list below instead.

You are required to do a DUI program only if convicted in San Diego DUI or if DMV orders actual suspension of your driving privilege.

Ask your lawyer when and how to enroll in DUI classes. Specific instructions, date to enroll and contact information can be emailed you by your San Diego DUI attorney.

The three local San Diego DUI programs are run by these licensed providers:

Central District
9245 Sky Park Court, Suite 101
San Diego CA 92123
Phone: 858-467-6810
SDSU DUI Program

Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee MAAC
1355 Third Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Phone: 619-409-1780

East County Accord
850 Arnele Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020

Phone: (619) 741-8147
Fax:  (619) 741-8139
Email:  accord@ecscalifornia.org

MHS Turn DUI Program
570 Rancheros Drive, #200
San Marcos, CA 92069
(760) 227-1374

Only the above SD programs are presently online and approved by both court and DMV.  When you enroll, make sure you get it in writing or ask the name of the person enrolling you that you can complete the program online. 

California DMV usually requires proof of completion of a California licensed provider DUI alcohol program, payment of DMV fees and filing of an SR-22.

For a list of all California licensed program providers, click here:  https://geohub-cadhcs.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/f3703643130b41079671405ac338fc31_0/explore?location=32.990773%2C-116.721415%2C10.00&showTable=true.