Home » Victories
Name | BAC% | Type of Test/Other | |
Fong | .04 | Blood / Weaving, speeding | |
Guerrero | .05 | Blood / Checkpoint | |
Halsema | .076 | Blood / Speeding | |
Kung | .13 | Breath / Speeding, prior | |
Lopez | .099/.12 | Breath / Weaving | |
Mitchell | .081/.079 | Breath / Lights off | |
Smith | Drugs | Blood / Multiple violations | |
Bennett | .16% | Breath / Collision | |
Brambila | Neg Op | Breath / Speeding | |
Ding | MJ Drugs | Accident | |
Pellettera | .09% | Breath / Accident | |
Mitchell | .13% | Blood / Military Gate | |
Perez | .08% | Breath / Collision | |
Tran | Refusal | Blood / Accident | |
Alnimri | Drugs | Blood / Speeding | |
Bullock | .09% | Breath / Naval Base entry stop | |
Chavez | .082/.079% | Breath/ Sleeping in car | |
Lopez | .17% | Blood/ Sleeping at intersection | |
Blank | .11% | Breath/ US Navy gate – passenger vomit | |
Bryant | .29/.30% | Breath / military gate MP contact | |
Delaney | Drugs | Blood / Citizen report | |
Dunning | Drugs | Blood / Weaving | |
Finley | Drugs | Blood / Accident | |
Karl | .075% | Blood / Accident – hit security guard | |
Jacobs | .06% + MJ | Blood / Ocotillo Wells – no rear light | |
Labrosse | .09% | Breath / Ocotillo Wells desert – no helmet | |
Ramirez | .08% | Breath / No vehicle lights during darkness | |
Roberson | .15/.17% | Breath/ Reckless – road closure barrier | |
Shalbert | .18% | Breath / US Naval Base checkpoint | |
Surprenant | .10/.08% | Breath / Speeding on freeway | |
Weatherford | .08% | Blood / aslseep in vehicle | |
Adams | 0.16 | Blood Test | |
Alvis | 0.15 | Blood, Excessive Speed, Faulty Equipment | |
Anastasio | Drugs | Blood/Unlawfully Parked | |
Anderson | 0.14 | Blood | |
Angilley | 0.12 | Blood Test | |
Arana | 0.03 | Breath – Under 21/Speeding | |
Arcia | 0.14 | Breath/Accident | |
Arganda | 0.09 | Blood | |
Arredondo | Neg Op | Excessive P | |
Arredondo | 0.21 | Blood/Weaving | |
Assadi | 0.08 | Blood | |
Avila | 0.24 | Blood | |
Babauta | .08/.09 | Breath | |
Bafi | 0.16 | Breath/Improper U-turn | |
Bailey | 0.17 | Blood (Accident) | |
Baird | 0.05 | PAS (Under 21 – .01 law) | |
Baird | 0.15 | Breath | |
Balmer | .08/.07 | Breath/California roll+ Prior | |
Baretto | 0.10 | Breath | |
Bear | 0.10 | Breath | |
Beardsley | 0.12 | Breath | |
Becerra | .01/.01 | Breath/Trespass – Under 21 | |
Beglinger | .08/.07 | Breath/Ran out of gas | |
Belciano | 0.27 | Blood/Prior DUI | |
Belfield | 0.18 | Breath | |
Berg | 0.13 | Breath/Accident | |
Bethone | Drugs | Blood/Rear-end collison – Injury | |
Billotte | 0.14 | Breath | |
Boaz | 0.08 | Blood/Prior/Wrong Way on Freeway | |
Borrero | 0.13 | Breath/Excessive speed + Prior | |
Boucher | 0.11 | Breath | |
Boughner | .10/.06 | Blood + Breath/Speeding | |
Brady | 0.13 | Blood + Prior | |
Bronder | 0.11 | Chemical | |
Brown | 0.06 | Blood/DUI Checkpoint | |
Brown | 0.10 | Chemical | |
Bryan | 0.10 | Breath | |
Bunney | 0.13 | Chemical | |
Burgess | 0.16 | Blood/Almost Struck Another Vehicle/p> | |
Butcher | 0.04 | PAS (Under 21 – .01 Law) | |
Calhoun | 0.13 | Breath + Blood/Ran stop sign, high beams | |
Camper | .08/.07 | Breath | |
Carrasco | .11 | Blood | |
Charris | .09/.08 | Breath/DUI Checkpoint | |
Cherico | .14/.15 | Breath + Blood/Accident | |
Ciminelli | 0.16 | Blood | |
Clift | 0.18 | Chemical | |
Clopine | 0.14/MJ | Blood/Sleeping in parked car | |
Cochran | 0.08 | Chemical | |
Colby | 0.08 | Breath/Under 21 | |
Conway | 0.16 | Chemical | |
Coulthard | 0.22 | Breath/Weave/No signal/Speed | |
Damshen | 0.08 | Breath/Illegal Right Turn | |
Davidson | 0.23 | Breath | |
Davis | 0.16 | Blood | |
Defelico | 0.14 | Breath/Ran out of gas + Prior | |
DeGuzman | .18/.16 | Blood/Breath/No Headlights | |
DePrieto | 0.08 | Blood | |
Diaz | Drugs | Blood/Accident | |
Dolan | 0.22 | Blood/Speed/Straddle + Prior | |
Dominguez | 0.15 | Blood (Accident) | |
Donnelley | 0.17 | Blood | |
Doss | 0.16 | Breath | |
Dressler | 0.07 | Blood/Weaving/No FST’s | |
Dukleth | 0.13 | Blood | |
Dunn | .08 | Breath (Accident) | |
Dunnavant | 0.08 | Chemical | |
Duschl | 0.07 | Blood/ .10 PAS (Under 21) | |
Earehart | 0.07 | Blood/Accident | |
Easley | 0.13 | Breath | |
Einhorn | 0.07 | Blood/Report of severe weaving & collision | |
Elenes | 0.01 | PAS/Under 21 | |
Elliot | 0.08 | Breath/Under 21 | |
English | 0.17 | Blood/Accident | |
Ericson | Drugs | Blood/Breath + Hit & Run | |
Ericson | 0.12 | Breath/ .15 PAS (Under 21) | |
Even | 0.23 | Blood/Erratic per citizen | |
Fall | 0.23 | Blood/Accident | |
Farmer | 0.09 | Chemical | |
Farrah | 0.06 | Blood/Accident | |
Ferre | 0.10 | Blood | |
Filimon | 0.07 | Blood | |
Flores | 0.08 | Breath | |
Florick | Ambien, .01 | Blood, Accident | |
Fried | 0.13 | Chemical | |
Fredriksen | Refusal | Accident | |
Foss | 0.13 | Breath | |
Fountaine | 0.15 | Blood | |
Galloway | 0.04 | Breath/DUI Probation Violation | |
Garcia | .08 | Breath/Military Checkpoint | |
Garrett | 0.11 | Breath | |
Gauvin | 0.24 | Blood | |
Gingerich | 0.21 | Blood | |
Gonzales | .09 | Breath/Military Checkpoint | |
Greer | .08/.09 | Breath/Blood/Speeding | |
Gregor | 0.28 | Blood (Accident) | |
Grigsby | 0.09 | Breath | |
Guidry | 0.22 | Breath | |
Guiterrez | .15/.17 | Breath/No headlights | |
Gunion | 0.17 | Blood/Breath/Ignition running in #1 lane + Under 21 years old | |
Hamlett | 0.15 | Blood | |
Hammett | .07/.08 | Breath | |
Harris | .15/.16 | Breath/Failed to go on green | |
Hauck | 0.11 | Blood/Speeding + Prior | |
Hawthorne | 0.11 | Breath/Under 21 | |
Hayes | 0.23 | Blood | |
Heinonen | 0.1 | Blood/Headlight not on | |
Hensel | 0.16 | Blood/Prior DUI | |
Heras | 0.16 | Breath/Exhibition of Speed-squealing | |
Hersum | .07/.08 | Blood/Breath/Speeding/Tailgating + Under 21 | |
Holman | .1/.1 | Breath/Blood/Driving wrong way | |
Hornack | 0.09 | Breath | |
Howard | 0.11 | Breath | |
Hughes | 0.03 | Breath + Under 21/No Seatbelt | |
Iburg | 0.08 | Breath/Impede Right of Way | |
Jackson | 0.15 | Breath/Refusal | |
Johnson | 0.16 | Blood/Weaving | |
Johnson | 0.15 | Breath + Under 21 years old | |
Johnston | .14/.15 | Breath/Accident | |
Keenan | 0.15 | Breath | |
Kohrig | 0.16 | Breath | |
Kowalski | 0.08 | Breath | |
Kruger | 0.19 | Blood/Accident, no license | |
Kurdi | 0.20 | Blood | |
Lam | 0.16 | Breath/Under 21 | |
Larsen | Drugs | Blood+Prior | |
Latifzad | 0.07 | Breath/Blood/Accident/retrograde extrapolation | |
Le | Drugs | Blood/Accident | |
Lehnhardt | 0.09 | Blood (Accident) | |
Levine | Neg Op | Excessive Points | |
Lind | 0.17 | Blood/Failure to use turn signal | |
Livingston | Ref | Forced Blood .23-Refusal/Swerving | |
Lombardi | 0.09 | Breath | |
Lopez | Refusal | Blood | |
Lopez | 0.09 | Blood | |
Lopez | 0.19 | Blood | |
Lowe | 0.15 | Blood/Wide turns | |
Macek | 0.19 | Blood | |
Mack | .15 | Breath | |
Malaer | .08/.07 | Breath/Inoperable license plate & brake lights | |
Maldonado | .20/.21 | Breath/unsafe speed | |
Malmos | 0.16 | Breath | |
Mandel | 0.15 | Blood | |
Martin | 0.08 | Breath/Stopped on side of road | |
Martineau | 0.25 | Blood/Speeding + Straddling | |
Martineau | 0.13 | Breath (Accident) | |
McCarthy | .09/.10 | Breath/Drove to Military gate | |
McClanahan | 0.11 | Blood | |
McDonald | 0.21 | Blood & PAS (Under 21) | |
McIntyre | .21 | Blood | |
McKee | 0.11 | Chemical | |
McKie | 0.24 | Chemical | |
McMahon | 0.11 | Blood/Speeding | |
McNeill | 0.21 | Blood | |
Meador | 0.18 | Blood/ Prior DUI | |
Meyer | 0.09 | Breath | |
Mikules | Refusal | Forced Blood/Failure to maintain lane, no signal | |
Minkel | .09/.07 | Breath/Swerve, No headlights | |
Montoya | 0.15 | Breath/Weaving | |
Moreno | 0.32 | Breath | |
Mudge | .07/.08 | Breath/Excessive speed for conditions | |
Munoz | Neg Op | Excessive Points | |
Murico | 0.20 | Blood (Accident) | |
Musil | .07 + MJ | Blood/Weaving | |
Nambo | .18/.17 | Breath/Accident | |
Navarro | 0.09 | Blood | |
Navarro | 0.18 | Blood/Failure to stop behind line | |
Nolan | 0.08 | Breath | |
Notargiacomi | .07/Dr | Blood-Cocaine/Cell Phone Use + Prior | |
O’Brien | N/A | Refusal | |
Ortiz | 0.14 | Blood/Accident | |
Pack | 0.07 | Breath/ PAS (Under 21) | |
Parish | 0.05 | Breath/Accident | |
Parks | 0.17 | Blood (Accident) | |
Patil | .07/.09 | Blood/Breath/Weaving | |
Patterson | N/A | Refusal | |
Patton | 0.15 | Blood/Urinating in Public | |
Pearson | 0.13 | Chemical | |
Peczeli | 0.14 | Breath | |
Philip | 0.11 | Breath | |
Pineda | .11/.10 | Breath/”California Roll” on Base | |
Plouffe | 0.13 | Chemical/Prior DUI | |
Pocas | Refusal | Resisting Arrest at a Military Base | |
Pollock | 0.14 | Blood/Accident | |
Porter | .19/.18 | Breath/Erratic Driving, weaving + Prior | |
Porter | 0.08 | Breath/Military Base Gate + Prior | |
Prather | 0.20 | Breath | |
Privitt | 0.14 | Blood | |
Proctor | .08/.09 | Breath/El Centro Bureau of Land Management + Prior | |
Purkey | .08/.07 | Breath – Under 21/Checkpoint | |
Ramirez | 0.1 | Breath/Stopped by MP at Gate | |
Ramon | 0.09 | Breath | |
Randolph | 0.18 | Blood | |
Rangel | .17/.19 | Breath/DUI Checkpoint | |
Reason | 0.07 | Breath, Driving in Bike Lane | |
Reineberg | 0.12 | Breath | |
Reinicke | 0.11 | Blood/Wrong side, nearly hit cop | |
Rinard | .08/.07 | Breath | |
Ritchie | 0.11 | Breath | |
Roberts | 0.2 | Blood | |
Robinson | 0.17 | Blood | |
Robinson | 0.06 | Breath/Under 21 | |
Roth | 0.14 | Chemical | |
Roth | .18/.17 | Breath/Accident | |
Rudden | 0.19 | Blood/Speeding | |
Salscheider | 0.24 | Blood/ Prior DUI | |
Samarin | 0.09 | Breath | |
Samuels | 0.017 | PAS (Under 21) | |
Sanchez | Refusal | Blood/Parked on road | |
Sandow | 0.22 | Blood/ Accident | |
Sattler | .01/ .01 | Breath, DUI Probation + Prior, Driving without lights | |
Scales | 0.18 | Breath + Accident | |
Schaefer | .04/.03 | Breath/Speeding + Under 21 | |
Schaeffer | 0.21 | Blood | |
Schirrippa | 0.20 | Blood (Accident) | |
Schmidt | 0.16 | Breath/Red Light/Speed+ Prior | |
Schromm | 0.20 | Blood | |
Schwartz | 0.12 | Blood/Weaving | |
Serrano | 0.11 | Breath/Officer Miller | |
Sharp | 0.10 | Breath | |
Sharpnack | 0.25 | Blood+Prior/Accident | |
Sharry | 0.04 | Blood/ .05 PAS (Under 21/Accident) | |
Shell | .08/.07 | Breath/Failure to signal when turning | |
Shepard | Medical | Blood/Accident | |
Shoemaker | 09/.10 | Breath | |
Shubert | .08/.06 | Breath | |
Shy | 0.25 | Blood/Accident | |
Silva | 0.22 | Blood (Accident) | |
Skylar | .08/.04 | Breath + Blood / Accident | |
Sonntag | 0.09 | Breath | |
Sorooshian | .13/.14 | Breath/Stopped to use cell phone | |
Spindler | .06/.08 | Blood/Breath | |
Stephenson | +Drugs | Blood | |
Sticka | 0.16 | Breath/Tailgating | |
Story | 0.13 | Breath | |
Suley | .05/Dr | Blood-Ecstasy/Erratic | |
Sutton | 0.14 | Chemical | |
Tally | 0.17 | Blood | |
Tapia | 0.08 | Breath/Speeding | |
Thalman | 0.03 | Blood | |
Thomas | 0.16 | Blood/Unauthorized BL. Drawer | |
Thomas | 0.05 + MJ | Blood/Speeding | |
Thurm | 0.11 | Breath/Weaving + Speeding | |
Townsend | 0.14 | Breath | |
Tracey | 0.26 | Blood | |
Trottier | 0.12 | Breath | |
Valdez | .10/.11 | Breath/ DUI Checkpoint | |
Vanbibber | 0.09 | Breath/Disregard signal | |
Vannie | .13 | Breath/Accident | |
Vera Cruz | 0.17 | Blood/Weaving side to side | |
Vilcone | 0.23 | Chemical | |
Viramontes | 0.21 | Breath | |
Wait | 0.021 | Breath/Under 21-no headlights | |
Wampler | Refusal | .20 PAS (Under 21) | |
Wanta | 0.21 | Breath | |
Watkins | 0.15 | Breath/Military Base Gate | |
Weaver | 0.15 | Blood/Straddling | |
Welch | 0.09 | Breath | |
Westerhout | 0.13 | Breath/Prior DUI | |
Whitcomb | .26/.27 | Breath/Accident + Prior | |
Whiteman | 0.08 | Blood/Accident | |
Whitten | 0.19 | Breath/Drugs | |
Wilmot | 0.21 | Blood | |
Wilson | 0.11 | Breath | |
Wilson | 0.19 | Blood/Drifting + Child in car | |
Winkler | 0.15 | Blood | |
Woody | .09/.10 | Breath+Under 21/Checkpoint | |
Wright | 0.16 | Chemical | |
Wright | 0.12 | Blood/Prior DUI | |
Yalavartha | 0.05 | PAS (Under 21) | |
Yeargin | 0.09 | Breath | |
Zuckerman | 0.08 | Breath/Accident |
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San Diego, California 92122
United States
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Fax: (858) 451-9097