
San Diego DUI Victories

(partial list)
Name BAC% Type of Test/Other
Fong .04 Blood / Weaving, speeding
Guerrero .05 Blood / Checkpoint
Halsema .076 Blood / Speeding
Kung .13 Breath / Speeding, prior
Lopez .099/.12 Breath / Weaving
Mitchell .081/.079 Breath / Lights off
Smith Drugs Blood / Multiple violations
Bennett .16% Breath / Collision
Brambila Neg Op Breath / Speeding
Ding MJ Drugs Accident
Pellettera .09% Breath / Accident
Mitchell .13% Blood / Military Gate
Perez .08% Breath / Collision
Tran Refusal Blood / Accident
Alnimri Drugs Blood / Speeding
Bullock .09% Breath / Naval Base entry stop
Chavez .082/.079% Breath/ Sleeping in car
Lopez .17% Blood/ Sleeping at intersection
Blank .11% Breath/ US Navy gate – passenger vomit
Bryant .29/.30% Breath / military gate MP contact
Delaney Drugs Blood / Citizen report
Dunning Drugs Blood / Weaving
Finley Drugs Blood / Accident
Karl .075% Blood / Accident – hit security guard
Jacobs .06% + MJ Blood / Ocotillo Wells – no rear light
Labrosse .09% Breath / Ocotillo Wells desert – no helmet
Ramirez .08% Breath / No vehicle lights during darkness
Roberson .15/.17% Breath/ Reckless – road closure barrier
Shalbert .18% Breath / US Naval Base checkpoint
Surprenant .10/.08% Breath / Speeding on freeway
Weatherford .08% Blood / aslseep in vehicle
Adams 0.16 Blood Test
Alvis 0.15 Blood, Excessive Speed, Faulty Equipment
Anastasio Drugs Blood/Unlawfully Parked
Anderson 0.14 Blood
Angilley 0.12 Blood Test
Arana 0.03 Breath – Under 21/Speeding
Arcia 0.14 Breath/Accident
Arganda 0.09 Blood
Arredondo Neg Op Excessive P
Arredondo 0.21 Blood/Weaving
Assadi 0.08 Blood
Avila 0.24 Blood
Babauta .08/.09 Breath
Bafi 0.16 Breath/Improper U-turn
Bailey 0.17 Blood (Accident)
Baird 0.05 PAS (Under 21 – .01 law)
Baird 0.15 Breath
Balmer .08/.07 Breath/California roll+ Prior
Baretto 0.10 Breath
Bear 0.10 Breath
Beardsley 0.12 Breath
Becerra .01/.01 Breath/Trespass – Under 21
Beglinger .08/.07 Breath/Ran out of gas
Belciano 0.27 Blood/Prior DUI
Belfield 0.18 Breath
Berg 0.13 Breath/Accident
Bethone Drugs Blood/Rear-end collison – Injury
Billotte 0.14 Breath
Boaz 0.08 Blood/Prior/Wrong Way on Freeway
Borrero 0.13 Breath/Excessive speed + Prior
Boucher 0.11 Breath
Boughner .10/.06 Blood + Breath/Speeding
Brady 0.13 Blood + Prior
Bronder 0.11 Chemical
Brown 0.06 Blood/DUI Checkpoint
Brown 0.10 Chemical
Bryan 0.10 Breath
Bunney 0.13 Chemical
Burgess 0.16 Blood/Almost Struck Another Vehicle/p>
Butcher 0.04 PAS (Under 21 – .01 Law)
Calhoun 0.13 Breath + Blood/Ran stop sign, high beams
Camper .08/.07 Breath
Carrasco .11 Blood
Charris .09/.08 Breath/DUI Checkpoint
Cherico .14/.15 Breath + Blood/Accident
Ciminelli 0.16 Blood
Clift 0.18 Chemical
Clopine 0.14/MJ Blood/Sleeping in parked car
Cochran 0.08 Chemical
Colby 0.08 Breath/Under 21
Conway 0.16 Chemical
Coulthard 0.22 Breath/Weave/No signal/Speed
Damshen 0.08 Breath/Illegal Right Turn
Davidson 0.23 Breath
Davis 0.16 Blood
Defelico 0.14 Breath/Ran out of gas + Prior
DeGuzman .18/.16 Blood/Breath/No Headlights
DePrieto 0.08 Blood
Diaz Drugs Blood/Accident
Dolan 0.22 Blood/Speed/Straddle + Prior
Dominguez 0.15 Blood (Accident)
Donnelley 0.17 Blood
Doss 0.16 Breath
Dressler 0.07 Blood/Weaving/No FST’s
Dukleth 0.13 Blood
Dunn .08 Breath (Accident)
Dunnavant 0.08 Chemical
Duschl 0.07 Blood/ .10 PAS (Under 21)
Earehart 0.07 Blood/Accident
Easley 0.13 Breath
Einhorn 0.07 Blood/Report of severe weaving & collision
Elenes 0.01 PAS/Under 21
Elliot 0.08 Breath/Under 21
English 0.17 Blood/Accident
Ericson Drugs Blood/Breath + Hit & Run
Ericson 0.12 Breath/ .15 PAS (Under 21)
Even 0.23 Blood/Erratic per citizen
Fall 0.23 Blood/Accident
Farmer 0.09 Chemical
Farrah 0.06 Blood/Accident
Ferre 0.10 Blood
Filimon 0.07 Blood
Flores 0.08 Breath
Florick Ambien, .01 Blood, Accident
Fried 0.13 Chemical
Fredriksen Refusal Accident
Foss 0.13 Breath
Fountaine 0.15 Blood
Galloway 0.04 Breath/DUI Probation Violation
Garcia .08 Breath/Military Checkpoint
Garrett 0.11 Breath
Gauvin 0.24 Blood
Gingerich 0.21 Blood
Gonzales .09 Breath/Military Checkpoint
Greer .08/.09 Breath/Blood/Speeding
Gregor 0.28 Blood (Accident)
Grigsby 0.09 Breath
Guidry 0.22 Breath
Guiterrez .15/.17 Breath/No headlights
Gunion 0.17 Blood/Breath/Ignition running in #1 lane + Under 21 years old
Hamlett 0.15 Blood
Hammett .07/.08 Breath
Harris .15/.16 Breath/Failed to go on green
Hauck 0.11 Blood/Speeding + Prior
Hawthorne 0.11 Breath/Under 21
Hayes 0.23 Blood
Heinonen 0.1 Blood/Headlight not on
Hensel 0.16 Blood/Prior DUI
Heras 0.16 Breath/Exhibition of Speed-squealing
Hersum .07/.08 Blood/Breath/Speeding/Tailgating + Under 21
Holman .1/.1 Breath/Blood/Driving wrong way
Hornack 0.09 Breath
Howard 0.11 Breath
Hughes 0.03 Breath + Under 21/No Seatbelt
Iburg 0.08 Breath/Impede Right of Way
Jackson 0.15 Breath/Refusal
Johnson 0.16 Blood/Weaving
Johnson 0.15 Breath + Under 21 years old
Johnston .14/.15 Breath/Accident
Keenan 0.15 Breath
Kohrig 0.16 Breath
Kowalski 0.08 Breath
Kruger 0.19 Blood/Accident, no license
Kurdi 0.20 Blood
Lam 0.16 Breath/Under 21
Larsen Drugs Blood+Prior
Latifzad 0.07 Breath/Blood/Accident/retrograde extrapolation
Le Drugs Blood/Accident
Lehnhardt 0.09 Blood (Accident)
Levine Neg Op Excessive Points
Lind 0.17 Blood/Failure to use turn signal
Livingston Ref Forced Blood .23-Refusal/Swerving
Lombardi 0.09 Breath
Lopez Refusal Blood
Lopez 0.09 Blood
Lopez 0.19 Blood
Lowe 0.15 Blood/Wide turns
Macek 0.19 Blood
Mack .15 Breath
Malaer .08/.07 Breath/Inoperable license plate & brake lights
Maldonado .20/.21 Breath/unsafe speed
Malmos 0.16 Breath
Mandel 0.15 Blood
Martin 0.08 Breath/Stopped on side of road
Martineau 0.25 Blood/Speeding + Straddling
Martineau 0.13 Breath (Accident)
McCarthy .09/.10 Breath/Drove to Military gate
McClanahan 0.11 Blood
McDonald 0.21 Blood & PAS (Under 21)
McIntyre .21 Blood
McKee 0.11 Chemical
McKie 0.24 Chemical
McMahon 0.11 Blood/Speeding
McNeill 0.21 Blood
Meador 0.18 Blood/ Prior DUI
Meyer 0.09 Breath
Mikules Refusal Forced Blood/Failure to maintain lane, no signal
Minkel .09/.07 Breath/Swerve, No headlights
Montoya 0.15 Breath/Weaving
Moreno 0.32 Breath
Mudge .07/.08 Breath/Excessive speed for conditions
Munoz Neg Op Excessive Points
Murico 0.20 Blood (Accident)
Musil .07 + MJ Blood/Weaving
Nambo .18/.17 Breath/Accident
Navarro 0.09 Blood
Navarro 0.18 Blood/Failure to stop behind line
Nolan 0.08 Breath
Notargiacomi .07/Dr Blood-Cocaine/Cell Phone Use + Prior
O’Brien N/A Refusal
Ortiz 0.14 Blood/Accident
Pack 0.07 Breath/ PAS (Under 21)
Parish 0.05 Breath/Accident
Parks 0.17 Blood (Accident)
Patil .07/.09 Blood/Breath/Weaving
Patterson N/A Refusal
Patton 0.15 Blood/Urinating in Public
Pearson 0.13 Chemical
Peczeli 0.14 Breath
Philip 0.11 Breath
Pineda .11/.10 Breath/”California Roll” on Base
Plouffe 0.13 Chemical/Prior DUI
Pocas Refusal Resisting Arrest at a Military Base
Pollock 0.14 Blood/Accident
Porter .19/.18 Breath/Erratic Driving, weaving + Prior
Porter 0.08 Breath/Military Base Gate + Prior
Prather 0.20 Breath
Privitt 0.14 Blood
Proctor .08/.09 Breath/El Centro Bureau of Land Management + Prior
Purkey .08/.07 Breath – Under 21/Checkpoint
Ramirez 0.1 Breath/Stopped by MP at Gate
Ramon 0.09 Breath
Randolph 0.18 Blood
Rangel .17/.19 Breath/DUI Checkpoint
Reason 0.07 Breath, Driving in Bike Lane
Reineberg 0.12 Breath
Reinicke 0.11 Blood/Wrong side, nearly hit cop
Rinard .08/.07 Breath
Ritchie 0.11 Breath
Roberts 0.2 Blood
Robinson 0.17 Blood
Robinson 0.06 Breath/Under 21
Roth 0.14 Chemical
Roth .18/.17 Breath/Accident
Rudden 0.19 Blood/Speeding
Salscheider 0.24 Blood/ Prior DUI
Samarin 0.09 Breath
Samuels 0.017 PAS (Under 21)
Sanchez Refusal Blood/Parked on road
Sandow 0.22 Blood/ Accident
Sattler .01/ .01 Breath, DUI Probation + Prior, Driving without lights
Scales 0.18 Breath + Accident
Schaefer .04/.03 Breath/Speeding + Under 21
Schaeffer 0.21 Blood
Schirrippa 0.20 Blood (Accident)
Schmidt 0.16 Breath/Red Light/Speed+ Prior
Schromm 0.20 Blood
Schwartz 0.12 Blood/Weaving
Serrano 0.11 Breath/Officer Miller
Sharp 0.10 Breath
Sharpnack 0.25 Blood+Prior/Accident
Sharry 0.04 Blood/ .05 PAS (Under 21/Accident)
Shell .08/.07 Breath/Failure to signal when turning
Shepard Medical Blood/Accident
Shoemaker 09/.10 Breath
Shubert .08/.06 Breath
Shy 0.25 Blood/Accident
Silva 0.22 Blood (Accident)
Skylar .08/.04 Breath + Blood / Accident
Sonntag 0.09 Breath
Sorooshian .13/.14 Breath/Stopped to use cell phone
Spindler .06/.08 Blood/Breath
Stephenson +Drugs Blood
Sticka 0.16 Breath/Tailgating
Story 0.13 Breath
Suley .05/Dr Blood-Ecstasy/Erratic
Sutton 0.14 Chemical
Tally 0.17 Blood
Tapia 0.08 Breath/Speeding
Thalman 0.03 Blood
Thomas 0.16 Blood/Unauthorized BL. Drawer
Thomas 0.05 + MJ Blood/Speeding
Thurm 0.11 Breath/Weaving + Speeding
Townsend 0.14 Breath
Tracey 0.26 Blood
Trottier 0.12 Breath
Valdez .10/.11 Breath/ DUI Checkpoint
Vanbibber 0.09 Breath/Disregard signal
Vannie .13 Breath/Accident
Vera Cruz 0.17 Blood/Weaving side to side
Vilcone 0.23 Chemical
Viramontes 0.21 Breath
Wait 0.021 Breath/Under 21-no headlights
Wampler Refusal .20 PAS (Under 21)
Wanta 0.21 Breath
Watkins 0.15 Breath/Military Base Gate
Weaver 0.15 Blood/Straddling
Welch 0.09 Breath
Westerhout 0.13 Breath/Prior DUI
Whitcomb .26/.27 Breath/Accident + Prior
Whiteman 0.08 Blood/Accident
Whitten 0.19 Breath/Drugs
Wilmot 0.21 Blood
Wilson 0.11 Breath
Wilson 0.19 Blood/Drifting + Child in car
Winkler 0.15 Blood
Woody .09/.10 Breath+Under 21/Checkpoint
Wright 0.16 Chemical
Wright 0.12 Blood/Prior DUI
Yalavartha 0.05 PAS (Under 21)
Yeargin 0.09 Breath
Zuckerman 0.08 Breath/Accident
DMV Orders of Set Aside (of each DMV suspension action) are public records, available upon request. Above are all DMV victories resulting in saving driver license or privileges- avoiding DMV APS suspensions ranging from 4 months to 1 or 2 years. Every case Mr. Mueller defends is different with respect to the facts, strategy and/or tactic. The victories listed were dependent on the facts of the particular cases. The results will differ if based on different facts. The victories do not in themselves constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction in your DMV or DUI outcome.  Of course, your likelihood of prevailing significantly increases if you hire a California DUI Lawyers Association DUI Specialist.