Early IID Reinstatement

An Ignition interlock device (IID) is a mechanism similar to a breathalyzer which is installed in a vehicle’s dashboard. Before the vehicle can be started, the driver must breathe into the device. If the analyzed result is over a programmed blood alcohol concentration, the vehicle will not start. 

To get an Ignition Interlock Device installed, simply contact any IID service provider near you by Googling “Ignition Interlock Device near me.

Intoxalock – Ignition Interlock Provider:  Find a Location Near You at IntoxalockSelect.com or call (877) 393-1939. Tell them you are Attorney Rick Mueller’s attorney to receive benefits, including:”

  • Free* installation rebate credit, up to $100 of installation costs
  • $200+ in Fee Forgiveness***
  • VIP 24/7 support from friendly, knowledgeable experts
  • Convenient locations
  • Flexible payment options
  • Same-day install**
  • FREE Intoxalock mobile app, and/or
  • Less than $30 to get started.

Costs may vary.  Compare prices.  Try to get the best overall deal for you.  Here are some quotes from other IID providers: 

Installation:  $50-65 for most cars; some high end imports and push button start cars can cost more on a case-by-case basis.

Monthly monitoring:  $50-77.

You may want to make sure you only have one vehicle in your name.  
Although there is some confusion in the Vehicle Code where it says: “To install on every vehicle the person owns or operates”, both the police and DMV are only requiring one (1) proof of installation to satisfy either’s requirement.  

DMV Mandatory Action Unit (MAU) at (916) 657-6525 has the final say on how long an IID must be installed and when it can be removed.

You may want to finish the CA alcohol program as soon as possible if you do the IID Early Reinstatement option.

If DMV or its Mandatory Actions Unit notifies you that your Reinstatement/Restriction period is longer than you may have thought, or fails to give credit for any previous suspension/reinstatement/restriction, that is not unusual.  DMV has the final say and it often means having to go through suspension actions by DMV (administrative per se) before a concrete length of time is determined by DMV.  DMV is notoriously confusing.  You usually can expect a five month restriction period.

On the bright side, the ignition interlock device (IID) will guarantee you will not be at risk for another DUI with significantly increased penalties, or being charged with Penal Code Section 166 – Violation of Court Order not to drive with a measurable amount of alcohol and a Vehicle Code Section 23154 DMV mandatory 1 year suspension without any restriction option if you blow .01% or higher upon being stopped while on probation.  It may also guarantee you do not suffer a probation violation for blowing .01% or higher.  Most importantly, it will avoid any possibility of another DUI while installed.  Another DUI would raise the stakes substantially in terms of penalties and punishment.